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Green Shades Bloom Color Plants

Success! The following plants match your search request. We've included all matches below. Click on any plant to learn additional details.

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Abies nordmanniana

Abies nordmanniana

Nordmann Fir

A dense, pyramidal evergreen tree with showy, needled foliage with two white bands on the underside of each needle. Nordmann firs are frequently used in Christmas tree farms for their dense branches that typically remain branched all the way to th...

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Acer griseum

Acer griseum

Paper Bark Maple

This small tree gives year round landscape pleasure with good habit, pleasing medium green foliage, showy red fall color and excellent winter interest with its exfoliating bark. Exfoliation starts on second year stems revealing rich cinnamon to re...

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Acer palmatum 'Butterfly'

Acer palmatum 'Butterfly'

Butterfly Japanese Maple

‘Butterfly’ has been around for a long time, but is still one of the most underused Japanese Maples and one of the best for giving you outstanding bang for the buck. One look at its incredible foliage will have you hooked right from th...

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Acer palmatum 'Cider Hill'

Acer palmatum 'Cider Hill'

Cider Hill Japanese Maple

Discovered by Cider Hill Farm of Vermont, this selection was chosen for its hardiness and intense fall color. Similiar to 'Bloodgood' in appearance and stature, this variety is hardy to zone 4 and changes to a much more intense red in the fall. More Details

Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'

Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku'

Coral Bark Japanese Maple

Leaves are palmate and yellow-green, tinged with red in spring, turning apricot and gold in fall. Winter bark is coral red and the color intensifies to almost salmon as the weather gets colder. Striking fall foliage color and uniquely colorful winter...

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Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis'

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis'

Green Threadleaf Weeping Japanese Maple

There are plenty of red dissected leaved Maples out there but 'Viridis' with its bright, light to medium green foliage may be the showiest of all the dissected leaved Maples. Leaves unfold in April with a delicate, thread-like look that belies the ag...

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Acer palmatum dissectum 'Waterfall'

Acer palmatum dissectum 'Waterfall'

Waterfall Threadleaf Weeping Japanese Maple

Destined to be a landscape classic, this bright green leaved selection of weeping Maple creates a flowing landscape form with layers of pendulous branches covered with deeply lobed, threadlike leaves producing superb texture. This plant makes the per...

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Acer saccharum

Acer saccharum

Sugar Maple

Here's the tree that made New England famous! It's easy to see why this tree is so prized once you look at its broadly oval to round form and its thick but not impenetrable canopy of dark green, trident shaped leaves that provide medium shade from th...

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Acer saccharum 'Super Sweet'

Acer saccharum 'Super Sweet'

Super Sweet Sugar Maple

This tree is a mass producer of super sweet maple making it perfect for producing syrup.  In addition it provides nice summer shade and beautiful fall foliage.


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Acer saccharum Fall Fiesta®

Acer saccharum Fall Fiesta®

Fall Fiesta® Sugar Maple

Fall Fiesta™ is an outstanding selection of our native Sugar Maple, distinguished by its fast growth rate, its oval, spreading head, and its thick, deep green, tatter resistant summer foliage. This plant's incredible looks are enhanced in the f...

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Acer saccharum Green Mountain®

Acer saccharum Green Mountain®

Green Mountain® Sugar Maple

It's easy to go green with this outstanding cultivar of our beloved Sugar Maple. Whether it's used in big numbers in the landscape for its consistent oval symmetry, rapid rate of growth and easy sustainability, or as a specimen showing off its gracef...

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Acer x freemani Autumn Blaze®

Acer x freemani Autumn Blaze®

Autumn Blaze® Freeman Maple

This cross between Acer rubrum & Acer Saccharinum will knock your socks off with its combination of solid structure, attractive form & amazing fall color. It combines well the habit of Acer rubrum with the fast growth and adaptable nature ...

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Actaea pachypoda 'Misty Blue'

Actaea pachypoda 'Misty Blue'

Misty Blue White Baneberry

This plant is a striking, multi-stemmed woodland perennial known for it's soft, bluish-green, finely cut foliage. Flowers appear in May, followed by vivid, reddish pedicels which produce large, white fruit with a distinctive black dot in autumn, p...

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Actinidia arguta 'Issai'

Actinidia arguta 'Issai'

Issai Mini-Kiwi Fruit

The perfect conversation piece for any garden, this vigorous, easy care vine will cover any fence or trellis with ease. It's twisting, vining branches are coated with lustrous, deep green foliage but the real bonus is the loads of small, 1" diamet...

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Adiantum pedatum

Adiantum pedatum

Maidenhair Fern

Feathery ornamental fern that thrives in the shaded woodland garden. A great combo with thick leaved Hosta, Brunneras and other shade loving perennials.


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Aesculus glabra

Aesculus glabra

Ohio Buckeye

The Ohio Buckeye low-branched deciduous tree with a broad, oval crown. In the summer, leaves possess a dark green color and mature to a lovely yellow in the fall. Greenish-yellow flowers will bloom from April through May which is then followed by ...

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Allium tuberosum 'Geisha'

Allium tuberosum 'Geisha'

Geisha Garlic Chives

Incredibly useful and easy to grow, Garlic Chives will be a welcome addition to any garden, herbal or otherwise. 'Geisha' has long, slightly flattened, tubular, grass-like foliage that makes a fragrant clump in the garden and features the strong s...

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Alnus rugosa

Alnus rugosa

Speckled Alder

This vigorous growing native shrub thrives in moist areas and provides great cover for native critters while serving as a larval host for some native butterflies. Deep green foliage on dark, almost warty stems with yellowish fall foliage. Easy to gro...

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Aloysia triphylla

Aloysia triphylla

Lemon Verbena

Lemon verbena foliage has a clean, fresh, lemon scent, it performs well in garden bed or containers. It’s the best! Its medium green foliage brightens up the mixed herb bed. It adds a wonderful lemon flavor to any dish, but is especially goo...

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Andromeda pol. 'Blue Ice'

Andromeda pol. 'Blue Ice'

Blue Ice Bog Andromeda

You'll get a great spring show from this cute little evergreen shrub. 'Blue Ice's' foliage is the first thing you'll notice since it's almost needle-like and has a superb powder of steel blue color that really stands out. Couple its fine foliage colo...

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Andropogon gerardii 'Blackhawks'

Andropogon gerardii 'Blackhawks'

Blackhawks Big Bluestem

This striking native selection exhibits outstanding landscape color throughout the year with bright green foliage sporting red accents in the summer. As weather cools, stems and blades turn deep purple to black to stunning landscape effect.


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Andropogon virginicus

Andropogon virginicus


Beautiful, easy to grow, warm-season grass, so versatile it will grow almost anywhere. Lovely planted in large sweeps mixed with native wildflowers like milkweed, black-eyed Susan and iron weed. In autumn, the grass turns a warm reddish-brown colo...

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Anethum graveolens

Anethum graveolens

Dwarf Fernleaf Dill

Fine, frilly and flavorful, this dense form of dill puts the zing in dressings, salads and cooked vegetables. Dill loves to grow in full sun, does well in containers, and is very easy to grow. Keep snipping to prevent flowering, which will negatively...

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Arctostaphylos Massachusetts Hybrid

Arctostaphylos Massachusetts Hybrid

Massachusetts Hybrid Kinnickinnick, Bearberry

This beautiful looking native groundcover has an incredibly refined look for a plant that revels in poor, dry, infertile soils. 'Massachusetts' is a nearly prostrate grower with small, lustrous, deep green evergreen foliage that hugs the branches,...

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